Friday, 17 June 2011

Come live in my heart, and pay no rent.

Hi peeps, just woke up from my afternoon nap. Gang is coming over to my house tomorrow for the Chemistry project that we have to pass up by next week. There's a Sejarah and Chemistry project for each Form 4 classes, half of the class is in charge of Sejarah and the other half, Chemistry. Since there's 27 people in my class. Supposedly 13 people are in charge of Chem, including us. But it seems like we're the only ones who actually care to do it. -_- I doubt others even bother, no offense but it just pisses me off. If we don't do the project, we get screwed. And if we do, they'll get profits without any effort. Wtf seriously? That's just fucking unfair. >.>

Anyway, Imma chillax and go for my dinner now. Hope that we're able to finish up the project by tomorrow. *crosses fingers*

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